I have recently been battling with keeping my axes and knives rust-free and looking great. I looked at all the crazy kinds of tool waxes out there to buy, and while getting lost in wondering which one is best, I decided just to do some research and see what I could make with some things I already had lying around the house. To my pleasure, I found the youtube channel Wood by Wright, so all credit goes to him for this great paste-wax recipe, which is food safe, great for protecting your steel knives and axes from moisture and corrosion, and I even rub this paste right into my wooden handles and leather goods to keep them moist, looking great, and protect them from the elements.

What you need:
3/4 cup Beeswax (Pure/food safe kind)*
1/2 cup Boiled Linseed Oil
Pot of Water
Small metal mixing bowl
Jars to pour your finished product in (2 125ml Mason jars work great)
*The more beeswax you use, the more solid your paste will be, I've also used only 1/3cup of wax which spreads a bit easier but also wipes off a bit easier.
How to make it:
1) Put your pot of water on the stove and get it boiling. Make sure your jar(s) for the finished product are open and ready to pour it in.
2) As the water is heating up, put your small metal bowl over the pot of water (basically creating a double boiler, which keeps the mixture from burning or getting too much heat) and add your wax and oil into the bowl to begin heating.
3) Heat the mixture until every bit of beeswax is completely melted.
4) Once all the wax is melted, pour your new mixture into the jars and carefully put them into the fridge to cool.
5) Once cooled to a solid paste, you are good to go!

How to apply:
I like to use a small cotton cloth that stores in the paste-wax jar to wipe everything down with. After scooping up some wax with the cloth, rub it into your axe heads, knife blades and whatever other tools you like to keep in good condition (hammers, sledges, anything metal really). For my knives in storage I like to hear on a little extra and put it into it's sheath in hopes that it will get coat the inside of the sheath as well. This adds even more protection both for the knife and the sheath.
I also use this paste for all my wooden handles, leather goods and knife scales. But especially my axe handles. Using the same method I wipe it all over my axe handle, adding some friction so that the paste heats up a bit and impregnates the wood, giving it long-lasting protection from the elements, and keeps it from drying out and cracking.
Happy tool-maintaining!

Hi Carrena,I am Grgo.I like your videos.I think you can try in surwaver build a news eco hause with solar panels and other green tehnology gived into forest.I think for cooking,for worling somethink news.You have good ideas in lastes videos.Comming carrena in Croatia one year to camping here on mount Velebit,Dinara,Svilaja,Zumberg,Sljeme,Mosor,Biokovo and other.You can also visit a Split and other citys.I want meat you bether Carrenna.Camming at Christmass or winter time in Croatia.I really lile you.
For something different, I char my axe/hatchet handles with a small propane torch. Brush them lightly after charring and then apply two or three coats of tung oil. They look and feel great and the charring is good for the wood..
love your channel... i watch it all the time <3
Awesome, 😃. Thanks! Really hands on and personal.
Hi Careena.
To perserve metal and wood I just use food grade mineral oil. It's cheap, you can buy it almost anywhere, and it does the job. With no boiling, mixing, or mess. Here is a link to 30 (I think) uses for mineral oil. https://www.wisebread.com/30-unexpected-uses-for-mineral-oil R
BTW I love your channel. I have been binge watching for the last few days.
Keep up the good work and greetings and peace to you and Ryan and your daughter.
Robert S.